Contact Us
Genome Lawyers is a specialised law firm in Amsterdam, delivering bespoke services for global clients in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Attorney-at-law Hanneke is a trained pharmacist and experienced lawyer, and therefore perfectly placed to deliver legal solutions for industry clients. Our tailored legal advice and litigation solutions are designed around your requirements. Contact us today to speak to our team and arrange an initial consultation to discuss your needs.
Where we are
Genome Lawyers
Keizersgracht 483
1017 EG Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T + 31 20 24 43 718
F + 31 20 89 07 888
Hanneke Later-Nijland
+ 31 6 29 44 89 42
LinkedIn: hannekelaternijland
BTW 860326986B01
KvK 75570904
General terms & conditions apply to all services rendered. These include a limitation of liability.
Link to:
General terms & conditions (English)
General terms & conditions (Dutch)
In accordance with article 35b(1) of the Legal profession Regulations (Regeling op de advocatuur), Hanneke Later-Nijland has registered the following legal area in the register of legal areas of the Netherlands Bar: Health law. According to the standards of the Netherlands Bar, this registration requires Hanneke to obtain ten training credits per year in this legal area.